EF CheckSum Manager 24.08 checksum check or file value comparison

download EF CheckSum Manager 24.08 checksum check or file value comparison


EF CheckSum Manager is a user-friendly software designed to check the hash of files in standard SFV, MD5 and SHAx formats. It can verify checksums, compare existing checksums, or generate new checksums for important information. The software is not only easy and fast to use, but also supports recursive processing of file structures and applies to all drives. You can choose whether the checksum or value comparison in one file is for all files, for each folder separately, or for each file to have independent sums.

This software is primarily used to check the hash of files; for example, suppose important information is burned on a CD, and the software that burned the info says everything is correct. But are you sure that the information on the CD is the same as the original information? With this software, you can solve your doubts quickly. With the utmost simplicity, you can prepare a checksum from any amount of information, and after burning the information, check a fragment of the information. Checksum files are tiny and require only a small amount of storage space.


Download with a size of 2 MB with a license

Version without installation (Portable)

Portable version version 2022.07


flie password: soft98.ir

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