Dashcam Viewer Plus 4.0.0 + Portable View dash cam video

download Dashcam Viewer Plus 4.0.0 + Portable View dash cam video


Dashcam Viewer is a useful software for viewing videos, GPS data, and shock-sensor data recorded by your dashboard camera or dashcam. Dashcam Viewer supports more than 70 camera models. Your vehicle’s entire route and current location will be displayed on an animated 2D map. The track line is colored based on the speed of the car. Click anywhere along the path to jump to that point in the video sequence. Choose between map providers (Google, MapQuest) and themes (satellite, road, hybrid). Highlight important route points with Geotag markers.

Geotags are your personal markers that you can place anywhere on your trip, providing a unique way to remember and revisit important points. They appear on the map and in the Geotags list view, making it easy to navigate your journey. Each Geotag stores metadata such as time, date, speed, latitude, longitude, street address, movie name, and movie time. By double-clicking a Geotag in the Geotags list, you can instantly jump to that point in the video sequence. The convenience of exporting and importing Geotags ensures that you always have easy access to your data, putting you in control of your viewing experience.

Export GPS Data
Dashcam Viewer’s data viewer offers a flexible approach to preview and export your GPS data. It supports several formats, including Comma Separated Value (CSV), GPX, Google Earth KML, and GeoJSON, catering to different user preferences. The software also allows you to export parts of movies to short clips, with or without sound, and with fast or slow playback. Still, movie frames can be exported to JPG, PNG, or BMP individually or at a specific frequency, providing a versatile user experience.

Data chart
The Dashcam Viewer graph displays a time history of your vehicle’s speed, distance, and compass direction. For dashboards that record additional GPS data, the G-sensor (shock), vehicle altitude, number of GPS satellites in view, and horizontal dilution deviation (HDOP) are also displayed.

Audio event detection
Sudden changes in volume often mark significant events in movie sets. For example, a crash or horn can be heard against normal driving noise. Audio Event Detection Dashcam Viewer can help find key audio events in a series of videos.

List of movies
Uploaded videos are shown in the list of movies. Videos that are not interesting can be turned off so that they no longer appear in the video sequence, and their GPS data is removed. To play a particular movie, double-click it in the list. Additional information about each video is displayed next to its file name, including file size, maximum vehicle speed, date, and time.

Travel list
Dashcam Viewer automatically divides videos into trips. A trip is defined as one or more adjacent films with no more than a minute gap between them. Dashcam Viewer then calculates the statistics for each trip. This includes the start date and time, the duration of the trip, the time between trips, and the number of movies per trip.

Export & Merge Video
You can export entire videos or parts of videos into short clips or a collection of images. Video clips can be exported with or without sound and with fast or slow playback. Still, frames can be exported individually or at a specific frequency to JPG, PNG, or BMP. You can also merge multiple videos into one large file. When merging, Dashcam Viewer creates a GPX file with GPS data from the selected videos so you can import that data into Dashcam Viewer if needed.

Dashboard display
The Dashcam Viewer dashboard display shows your vehicle’s current metrics, including position, speed, and compass direction. Speed ​​can be displayed in mph or km/h. The dashboard also shows the weather conditions at the time and place of driving. For dashboards that progress from GPS data collection


64-bit version

Download with a size of 114 MB with crack

Version without installation (Portable)

Portable version version 4.0.0



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