RarmaRadio Pro 2.75.9 + Portable Listen to news and radio programs

RarmaRadio Pro 2.75.9 + Portable Listen to news and radio programs

download RarmaRadio Pro 2.75.9 + Portable Listen to news and radio programs


RarmaRadio We recommend RarmaRadio software to those interested in listening to news and radio programs. This program is for listening to and recording radio stations from all over the world. When you listen to the radio station you want, you can record it whenever you want. All you have to do is browse the radio stations, select one of them optionally, and enjoy listening to it. In addition, having complete control over radio stations, you can remove or add them at any time.

Features of RarmaRadio software

Ability to listen and record different radio stations simultaneously
Allocate time for automatic recording
Show lyrics and cover art for each song
Ability to add more stations
Add or update stations in the online database
Play random stations


Version 2.75.9

Download with a volume of 13 MB with the activator

Version 2.73

Download with a size of 19 MB with crack

Version without installation (Portable)

Portable version version 2.75.8


flie password: soft98.ir


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