download Quick Heal Total Security 24.00 ( Quick Heal security package


Quick Heal Total Security Quick Heal Total Security is one of the most potent antiviruses. It protects laptops and personal computers using its unique technologies and provides complete security against internet risks and threats or network-based infections. Once installed, Total Security protects against viruses, worms, trojans, spyware, and other malicious threats. This software protects against new and unknown viruses using Quick Hill’s superior and exclusive DNAScan technology. Quick Hill Total Security has upgraded the Anti-Phishing feature to increase the security of protection against fraudulent websites while using the Internet. The Parental Control feature allows you to schedule Internet access time for your children. Using a predefined list, You can limit your children’s access to certain types of websites (social networks, games, immoral, etc.). PCTuner tool improves the overall performance of your system. Also, the PC2Mobile Scan feature identifies and cleans malware from the mobile scan. Total Security QuickHeal uses very few resources and increases protection without slowing down your computer.


Core Protection    

Silent Firewall and IDS/IPS, AntiRootkit, AntiMalware, AntiSpyware, and AntiVirus guarantee complete protection for your computer at different levels.

Antivirus—This program scans and removes viruses, worms, trojans, and other malicious threats that may sneak into your system via removable drives, email attachments, and Internet downloads.

AntiSpyware – Identifying and cleaning spyware and blocking the activities of private information thieves automatically

AntiMalware – high-speed scan of the registry, files, and folders from malware and comprehensive cleaning of spyware, adware, rogueware, dialer, riskware, and many others that have the potential of danger in your system.

Anti-Rootkit – identifying and cleaning rootkits proactively by performing a deep system scan

Firewall Protection – working silently in the background and monitoring all network activities in terms of the presence of viruses, spyware, and other malicious agents.

Quickhill Firewall uses an intrusion detection system (IDS) to identify harmful network activities and an intrusion prevention system (IPS) to prevent malicious network activities.

Self Protection: Protect Quick Heal files, folders, settings, and registry entries from manipulation against malicious threats.


Web Security    

Real-time cloud security protection blocks access to websites infected with malware, phishing, and fraud. It also protects against threats transmitted through malicious code on the web host site and prevents your internet connection.

Browsing Protection – protecting your computer against the threats of malicious websites.

AntiPhishing: Automatically scans all the sites you visit for fraudulent activities and protects you from any phishing attacks while surfing the Internet.

The zero-time protection feature prevents infected websites and malware from infecting the system through malicious websites.



Running a sandbox in your web browser provides you with an uninterrupted and secure browsing experience. This feature acts as a screen between the computer operating system and malicious threats and limits the level of attacks.


Self Protection    

QuickHeal protects files, folders, configurations, and registry entries from being manipulated by malicious threats and corrupt applications.


Email Security    

Cloud technology based on email security prevents spam, phishing, and infected emails from reaching your mailbox.

AntiSpam – protecting your computer against the threats of malicious websites.

The Uses Live feature in cloud-based technology examines suspicious files and prevents malicious software from running.


Parental Control    

With this tool, you can schedule, control, and monitor your children’s Internet use. The family management (Parental Control) configuration can be defined based on the user account and completely separately.

Advanced security based on limited and predefined website groups or user-defined websites. Ability to configure and turn off groups of websites (such as immoral, crime and violence, addiction, gaming, etc.). Suitable for parents who want to make sure their children use a variety of helpful Internet sites and are not exposed to harmful or inappropriate sites for children.

The possibility of accessing the website in the blocked group by adding it to the Exclusion List. Websites belonging to the blocked websites group can be added to the exception list. For example, if social network groups and chats are blocked, you can access that site by adding Facebook to the Exclude section.

Internet access scheduling – the possibility of controlling Internet activities and how to use them by configuring the schedule. This option allows you to manage your children’s internet usage time. If the time to use the Internet is scheduled between 7:00 and 8:00 in the evening every day, then your child will only be able to use the Internet.

Restrict access to a specific website that you think is inappropriate. This option, part of the family management features (Parental Control), blocks access to inappropriate websites for children.

Increase business productivity – be more productive by identifying and managing inappropriate online usage, such as non-business activities such as online chat. The possibility of customization by choosing the desired content to block and authoring the feature of working as an essential time management tool.


Data Theft Protection    

Prevent unauthorized copying of data by blocking flash drives.

Prevent unauthorized copying of confidential information or sensitive data on your computer. It prevents access from your system to USB storage devices (such as pen drives, burners, flash disks, memory, or other storage devices) and vice versa. Therefore, data cannot be copied to removable drives, nor can it be copied from external storage devices to your system.


32-bit version

Download with a volume of 391 MB (Trial Version) from the manufacturer’s site

64-bit version

Download with a volume of 444 MB (Trial Version) from the manufacturer’s site


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