VLC Media Player 3.0.21 Win/Mac/Linux + Portable

download VLC Media Player 3.0.21 Win/Mac/Linux + Portable Multimedia player


VLC Media Player is a professional software that can replace all software installed as a player on the system because it can support 99% of formats. Also, VLC software can convert different formats to each other. Consider installing heavy software such as Cyberlink PowerDVD or Corel WinDVD on your system to play your DVDs. In addition to occupying a relatively large space on your hard disk, this software also occupies ample space in the system memory and RAM to play movies. However, the VLC Media Player you download from KaranSoft is lightweight and can easily play DVDs.

Features of VLC Media Player software

Playing various formats including MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, mp3, ogg, …
DVD, VCD playback
Full support of various audio and video formats
Playing all kinds of DVDs and VCDs with FULL HD quality
It is a minimal volume compared to its many features and also compared to similar software
It is a straightforward and user-friendly environment that is entirely free
Support for incomplete downloaded files and playback of corrupted discs
Support in different languages, including sweet Persian language
Ability to run on most operating systems, i.e., Windows, Linux, Macintosh, etc.
Multiple skins for different tastes
Support for various audio and video formats and subtitles


Windows version

Download the 32-bit version with a size of 41 MB

Auxiliary link (Official Link)

Download the 64-bit version with a size of 42 MB

Auxiliary link (Official Link)

Mac version

Download with a size of 81 MB

Auxiliary link (Official Link)

Linux version

Download with a size of 25 MB

Auxiliary link (Official Link)

Android version

Download with direct link

Version without installation (Portable)

Portable version version 3.0.20



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