download Dragonframe 5.2.7 Professional stop motion software



Dragonframe is stop-motion animation software used by major film studios and independent filmmakers. It offers various tools and features to create accurate and professional stop-motion animations. The software allows you to record multiple frames and a user-defined time interval. You can configure video settings such as compression quality, input size, control exposure, white balance, brightness, contrast, saturation, sharpness, hue, and gamma values. In addition, you can change the ISO, use a digital sickle, change the number of frames per second, repeat all shots, or play in reverse. Exposure can be set automatically or controlled using a slider.


Scenes can be copied, takes can be managed, and data from CSV, TXT, or DFTR files can be imported. You can also create a 2D or 3D movie of all the photos taken in the format Create MP4, MOV, and AVI. You can also export an image sequence (TIFF, BMP, PNG, TGA, and JPG) with custom quality, frame rate, and aspect ratio.


Some of the main features of Dragonframe


    Camera Control: Dragonframe allows you to program your camera manually or using motion controls. This will help you create smooth and accurate camera movements for your animation.

    Manage frames: Dragonframe allows you to manage your animation frames easily. You can add, remove, or rearrange frames.

    Design Tools: Dragonframe offers a variety of design tools for creating your animation scenes and objects. These tools help you design your animations accurately and professionally.

Editing Tools: Dragonframe offers various editing tools to edit your animations. These tools help you optimize your animations and get them ready for display.

Audio Tools: Dragonframe offers a variety of audio tools to add sound to your animations. These tools help you make your animations more lively and attractive.

Compose and light the perfect shot with camera controls, test shots, and advanced image review tools.

Program animated lighting with simple keyframes. Automate lighting work for the animator: simple frontlight/backlight programming.

Use the intuitive GUI to program advanced camera movements.

Frame-by-frame editing is as simple as dragging and dropping. You can adjust timing, re-film sequences, and even recover deleted frames.

Using vector drawing tools, mark up the page to guide your animation. Draw and preview moving paths with the incremental editor.

Plan your scene and track your progress in the X-Sheet side panel. Add reminders, map out routes, and set schedules.

Configure all your composition guides, design layers, and reference materials from the Guide Layers side panel.

Use the Live View zoom to tap into a section of the video assist image. (Canon, Nikon, Olympus, and Fujifilm.)

View the mixed audio waveform in the Timeline or X-Sheet to see where you’re animating next.

Use the reference movie audio in the audio workspace. Watch the video as you scrub the audio and read the song.

Audio is locked to your animation at the project frame rate. If you scroll through your animation at a different speed, the audio will adjust to keep up.

Create your face set as a layered Photoshop file. Add groups for the mouth, eyes, ears, or any part you need.

View character dialogue or facial expressions as they animate in a configurable heads-up interface.

Program up to 512 lights with the new DDMX-512 (or upgraded DDMX-S2).

Create custom light profiles to match DMX values ​​to light output.

Program a task light to use during animation.

Transfer camera movement between Dragonframe, Maya, Kuper, or other 3D software.

Add extra smooth acceleration or deceleration using the new “Fill” tool.

Create motion paths by marking the positions you want to hit and then set the keyframe keys to move through them.



64-bit version

Download with a volume of 96 MB along with the activator



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